Zaijieshan Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is located at Yutade Village of Huaning County, Yuxi Shi (103o 08'E, 24o 16 'N), Yunnan Province. It was named by Fang Rensang in 1974, and published in Yunnan Regional Stratigraphical Scale in 1978.
Lithology and Thickness
Dolomite and limestone. The Formation can be roughly subdivided into two parts. Lower part is characterized by grayish thick-bedded to massive fine crystalline dolomite with thin to medium bedded bioclastic limestone, oncolite and dolomitic limestone, containing corals, stromatoporoids and brachiopods, 156.5 m thick. Upper part, 85.5 m thick, consists of thin to medium micritic limestone and laminated limestone intercalated with few stromatoporoid limestone, oncolite and dolomite in the upper
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Upper contact
Disconformable contact with the overlying Yanshiling Fm of Visean Stage of Carboniferous based on the appearance of basal breccia limestone. Regional chart also shows that it is locally overlain by Tangbagou Fm (Chaotong section) and Jiusi Fm (Jianshui-Panxi)
Regional extent
The Formation is widely distributed at Kunming, Qujing, Yilian, Songmin, Xuanwei, Xundian of eastern Yunnan.
The Zaijieshan Formation is partially laterally equivalent of the Zaige Fm, which is also characterized by dolostones in the upper Devonian.
The Formation contains stromatoporoids Amphipora sp., Actinostroma sp., Clathrodictyon sp. Stromatoporella sp., Stachyodes sp., Stromatopora sp. Corals Grypophyllum sp., Mictophyllum intermedium, Disphyllum sp., Thamonopora sp., Cladopora sp., and few brachiopods Cyrtospirifer sp.? Desqumatia sp,
Depositional setting
The lithology and fossils indicate a back-reef lagoon environment on the restricted carbonate platform.
Additional Information